Anping County Zhuanye Wire Mesh Manufacturing Co.,ltd

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Why use extruded plastic mesh

Views: 37     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-05-31      Origin: Site

Zhuanye is a high-quality extruded plastic mesh manufacturer in China. We produce extruded plastic mesh with unique customization capabilities. The application of our extrusion technology helps our customers solve many practical problems.

Our extruded plastic nets are made of high-quality high-density polyethylene or polypropylene as raw materials and processed into various plastic nets and net products. From agriculture, aquaculture, industry to protection and filtration, our extruded plastic mesh for sale provides excellent protection, containment and separation capabilities.

The extruded plastic mesh is a general-purpose plastic mesh that can protect flowers, plants and trees, and can also be used as a clam mesh, oyster mesh, and filter. Because extruded plastic mesh has outstanding characteristics of UV stability, corrosion resistance and rust prevention, it is widely used.

We are looking forward to working with you on the next project, so if you need it, please contact us in time!

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