Anping County Zhuanye Wire Mesh Manufacturing Co.,ltd

Main products : Fence Products, Wire Mesh Products, Wire Products, Plastic Products, Feeding Products
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Home » News & Blog » High Quality Cattle Panels Factory

High Quality Cattle Panels Factory

Views: 7     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-06-21      Origin: Site

Cattle panels usually measure 16 feet long by about 50 inches wide, and the openings in the grid range from 4 to 8 inches, with some variation depending on the model and manufacturer. We can customize suitable cattle panels for customers.

cattle panels factory

Cattle Panel Features:

1. Made in China, using high-quality steel

2. The surface is galvanized and has excellent durability

3. No sharp edges, very smooth solder joints

As a cattle panel manufacturer in China, we have an independent cattle panels factory, which can meet the various needs of customers. The cattle panels we produce are fences that meet the needs of busy farms and ranch life. Cows, pigs, sheep or other large livestock will not break or collapse when they are touched or rubbed.

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