Anping County Zhuanye Wire Mesh Manufacturing Co.,ltd

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Home » News & Blog » Galvanized Corral goat & sheep Panel

Galvanized Corral goat & sheep Panel

Views: 36     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-08-12      Origin: Site

 We have a full range of sheep panels & gates to suit any operation, we have heavy duty panels and budget panels. our sheep panel range includes permanent, semi-permanent and portable panels. All our panels come with caps on top and with joining pins/bolts. We can supply you with a complete sheep yard, contact us for panels to suit your operation.

      Our sheep gates come standard with a chain catch. Our sheep gates are available with a post to concrete in the ground or in heavy duty frames to bolt to the sheep panels. All our sheep gate frames are made with heavy wall steel.It is fabricated with welded hot dip galvanized pipes.

Galvanized Corral goat & sheep Panel


·Maximising sheep flow

·Operator efficiency and safety

·Ensuring the yards suit your site and operation

·Product longevity 

The design of sheep yards has changed over time. Our designs reflect the fact that there is now more individual processing of sheep.

our company as a goat & sheep  Panel Supplier in China ,provide Galvanized Corral goat & sheep  Panel ,if you need that pls contact us.

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