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Home » News & Blog » Easy to install Gabion Basket

Easy to install Gabion Basket

Views: 10     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-04-21      Origin: Site

Gabion Basket is a hexagonal wire mesh made of galvanized steel wire or PVC coating. When using the Gabion Basket as an anti-erosion tool, it can be placed on a slope to act as a semi-flexible building block. The scope of application of Gabion Basket is mainly to prevent falling rocks and roadway protection.

Gabion Basket

Gabion Basket Features:

1. Economical and practical;
2. Easy to install and easy to use;
3. After electro-galvanized or PVC coating, the service life is longer;
4. Anti-corrosion, anti-erosion, good permeability;
5. Simple packaging, reducing transportation costs.

As professional Gabion Basket manufacturers, we have professional technical experience, so please be assured of the quality of our products. If you have any needs, please contact us in time!

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